Workshop: Global Kids - Digital Storytelling


01. Juni - 30. Juni 2015 - Juni 2015


Digitaler Workshop

Sprache & Weiteres

Zielgruppe: Schüler*innen der Max-Ernst-Gesamtschule (Köln) und Kumasi Highschool (Kumasi/Ghana)


The project stimmen afrikas is a monthly literary series, in which the authors from Africa present their works in readings and discussions. The program was gradually expanded to various formats: discussions on political, social and cultural developments on the continent, conferences and workshops as well as school events on various intercultural and global issues. 

In Juni 2015 a workshop on Digital Storytelling will take place in Cologne/Germany, Max-Ernst-Gesamtschule, and Kumasi/Ghana, Kumasi Highschool.

Digital Storytelling is a way of combining the classical method of telling a story with different types of media like still images, movies, soundfiles, drawings, text and many other types. These stories can be about any topic and are usually told from an individual and sometimes very personal point of view. 

Experienced writers develop authentic, exciting dramatic stories with the students by using narrative techniques (creative writing). The writers, Hanna Jansen in Cologne and Nii Parkes in Accra, have both already carried out workshops for young people. In the second part the compiled stories would be reconditioned in a film using simple technical equipment (camera and PC) and a professional, but easy to learn, editing software. 

Our sponsors are Stiftung Umwelt und Entwicklung NRW und Engagement Global, supportet by Grimme-Institut and Rheinenergiestiftung Kultur. Our partners are Goethe Institut Accra and Ghana Council NRW.

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