Meet the Artist: Fatin Abbas


Do, 27. Juni 2024 - 7 pm


Theodor Wonja Michael Bibliothek


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Theodor Wonja Michael Library meets Fatin Abbas for an exchange about her writing, working and living in Germany. Cofounder of the TWM Library Cucuteni will moderate the exchange with the writer.

Fatin Abbas

Fatin Abbas is an international writer and journalist. Born in Khartoum, Sudan, and raised in New York City, she gained her BA in English from the University of Cambridge, her PhD in Comparative Literature from Harvard University, and her MFA in Creative Writing from Hunter College, the City University of New York, where she was awarded both the Bernard Cohen Short Story Prize and the Miriam Weinberg Richter Award for her writing. She has published essays and reports in The Nation, Le Monde diplomatique and Die Zeit, among others, and short prose in the magazines Granta and Freeman's. She has taught fiction writing at MIT and the Pratt Institute in New York and comparative literature at Bard College Berlin. Dave Eggers commented on Ghost Season, her first novel: “Absolutely fascinating ... an extremely important novel.” Fatin Abbas currently lives in Berlin.


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Cucuteni is a performative and spoken words artist, poetress and writer from Cologne. The mother of two was born in NRW, but moved back to West Africa at the tender age of 1, where she spent her early childhood. It was only very late in life that she discovered her love for words, writing and language. Her texts deal with autobiographical themes: Afro-diaspora, finding identity, anti-racism, decolonization, self-determination and empowerment.

The event is open to all friends of the TWM Library - donations welcome!

More information soon here and via social media!

Gefördert von: Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung/bpb, Kunststiftung NRW, Stadt Köln

In Kooperation mit
Theodor Wonja Michael Bibliothek 1
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung 1
Kunststiftung NRW 1

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